(Dancing the epigenome…)
Central to my practice, is an ongoing obsession with the traces and framing of the body, as both a material encounter and conceptual construct. I am interested in the ways in which bodies are constructed, framed, situated, and understood. The ways in which bodies may come to be valued or discarded, through their operations within narratives of social class, queerness, race, and other measures of cultural weighting. My work engages questions of lineage and heritage, particularly in relation to queer and working class histories, and their relationships to time. (The work is heavy but not sad…)
Working with diverse forms of image-making -- including photography, performance, drawing, and installation -- I undertake poetic investigations and gestural interventions into disciplines of philosophy, politics, and pedagogy. I often work from a combination of both personal/familial and wider socio/cultural histories, giving equal weighting to their voice and place in the process. I am interested in what has been exclaimed, what has been left unsaid, and what has been left behind. I wonder out loud how these things, and the spaces between them, may be re-articulated going forward. The images I make are carefully assembled collections of absences and presences, that piece together open enquiries into the possibilities for bodies, and their wants and desires, for the future. (The work is wide but not aimless…)
I am concerned with both the production and dissolution of the image, and the poetry of its affective qualities. Within these ruptures, emotional and conceptual approaches are inclusive lovers. Ideas have feelings too. Lines are a form of place-making. Form has room to spread -- print bleeds into performance, live moments seep and resurface as publications, frozen images shudder and mark the page. (The work is solid but not dry…)